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Counselling and Psychotherapy Services
Personal, Spiritual & Professional Development
Waterhole Gatherings
Message to people trained in Transpersonal and Experiential Psychotherapy (TEP) or TERC as it was called within access of Toowoomba
Melissa L'Estrange and Pat Quinn are providing opportunies for former TEP or TERC trainees or graduates to gather here in Toowoomba on a regular basis.
You are invited to gather at:
Where: 31 Traverston Court PRESTON 4352
23rd October 2021
Please Contact Pat Quinn or Melissa L'Estrange for further dates
Time: Morning Session: 9:00am - 1pm
Afternoon Session: Personal Work: 2pm - 5pm
Cost: $15.00
Morning Tea Provided
Bring your own lunch or lunch to share
Please advise Pat Quinn if you will be attending - on 0422 462 678.
We look forward to sharing in this time with you.